Grace Happenings / Opportunities to Serve

Current Outreach Partners


GRACE NOTES (announcements & challenges)



Plan now to attend one of our two Christmas Eve candlelight services this season. We will celebrate the birth of Jesus with candlelight services Tuesday evening, Dec. 24, at 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.  Please invite family and friends to come out and rejoice in these moments as we delight in the Hope which is born into our world.  Our luminaries light the way to in recent years!  Please talk to Pastor Mike about your availability to contribute a song to the celebration of our Lord’s Nativity during our Christmas Eve services.



All are invited to attend our Christmas Day dinner in the fellowship hall on Christmas Day, Wednesday, Dec. 25, at noon.  There is a form on the table at the back of the sanctuary to sign-up if you plan to attend.  Special posters and "personal" invites have been printed welcoming others to attend our Christmas Eve services, as well as our annual Christmas Day dinner.  Copies of these forms are available on the table at the back of the sanctuary.  Please take as many posters and/or invites that you need.  Think of those who are alone or can't celebrate with family and give them an invitation.  We are in need of volunteers to help provide food, set up, serve and clean up after the dinner.   There is a sign-up sheet on the table at the back of the sanctuary if you are willing to volunteer to help with this event.  Feel free to call the church office if you have any questions.  Thank you!  We hope you will join us as we share Christmas dinner with friends, family and our community.   



The weekly offering envelopes for 2025 are in the narthex, ready to be picked up.  If you do not see a set with your name on them, and you would like to have a set, please contact the church office and one will be provided.  Thank you for your faithful tithes and offerings! 

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Basket of Blessings is a chance to share the blessings God has given us with members or our community in need.  Items collected are donated to New Hope Ministries.  This week we are collecting CEREAL.  Next week we will be collecting PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY.  Please prayerfully consider how you might be able to help.  Thank you for your generosity! 



The community dinner for the month of January will be held Wednesday, Jan. 8, since the first Wednesday of the month falls on New Years Day.  We will resume our usual schedule of having the dinner the first Wednesday of every month starting in February of 2025, unless otherwise announced.  We need volunteers to sign up to provide the main course for the monthly dinners.  If you are willing to volunteer to provide the main course for one or more months, there is a sign-up sheet on the table at the back of the sanctuary.  Please indicate what you will provide for the main course (which will need to be brought in ready to serve), and list suggested side dishes that the congregation may be able to provide to compliment your main course.  Paper products and plastic utensils will be provided by the church.  Thank you for your generosity in serving our community with this ministry!  



Copies of the January/February issue of the Upper Room devotional guide are on a table in the lobby.  Please feel free to pick up a copy.  Large print editions are also available.


Copies of the readings for the month of December are available on the table at the back of the sanctuary.  If you need copies of the readings for any of the previous months, please notify the office.  Let’s stay in the Word and pray daily!       Read_the_Bible_Nov24.PDF



Always check the bulletin board in the church lobby to learn of additional opportunities to serve others locally and globally, and to learn of support groups and community events that might be of interest to you.  God is at work everywhere!

New Hope Ministries Christmas Wish List

CLICK HERE FOR New_Hope_Ministries_Christmas_Wish_List.pdf


    One of our own church families is in need of help with groceries. A list of suggested items can be found in the back of the sanctuary. Donations may be placed on the small round table in the Sunday School area.  Items requiring refrigeration should be labeled “Family Project” and placed in the refrigerator in our kitchen.  (Sticky notes are on the refrigerator door for your convenience.)  Donated items will be delivered weekly.  Thank you for your generosity!
  • Help that is always welcomed:  
    Volunteers needed for 1st Wed Community Dinner.  Prep for the dinner starts at 4:00PM dinner is served at 5:00PM and cleanup starts at 6:00PM.   You do not need to help the whole time.   Please see Sharon Strauch if you are able to help bless our community through this ministry.  

SUNDAY, December 15, Third Sunday of Advent

09:00 a.m. ... WORSHIP in sanctuary 

09:30 a.m. … Children’s Sunday School 

10:15 a.m. … Adult Sunday School (back of sanctuary)


MONDAY, December 16

07:30 p.m. ... Narcotics Anonymous meeting


SUNDAY, December 22, Fourth Sunday of Advent

09:00 a.m. ... WORSHIP in sanctuary 

09:30 a.m. … Children’s Sunday School 

10:15 a.m. … Adult Sunday School (back of sanctuary)


MONDAY, December 23

07:30 p.m. ... Narcotics Anonymous meeting


TUESDAY, December 24, Christmas Eve

03:00 p.m. ... Christmas Eve worship in sanctuary, candlelight closing

06:00 p.m. ... Christmas Eve worship in sanctuary, candlelight closing


WEDNESDAY, December 25, Christmas Day

12:00 p.m. ... Christmas Day Community Dinner (fellowship hall)



SUNDAY, December 29

09:00 a.m. ... WORSHIP in sanctuary

09:30 a.m. … Children’s Sunday School 

10:15 a.m. … Adult Sunday School (back of sanctuary)


TUESDAY, December 31, New Year’s Eve